Dear Mr Howie
Thank you for your email below re Killeaton Open Space which has been passed to me as Head of Parks & Amenities.
I am aware that you have already met with Mr Mackle on site and that that he has further emailed you to advise that he will be meeting with any resident who has contacted him to explain what is happening, so as to avoid any unnecessary communication errors.
To address some of your queries:
At this stage the Council only has firm plans to enhance the lower triangle part of Killeaton Open Space and the wider site boundary. The Council has a number of remits which it is obliged to fulfil:
Health & safety – it must ensure that anyone entering on to its land is not exposed to unnecessary and avoidable risk. Consequently the Council will be carrying out repairs to and replacement of fencing and gates; tree pruning and removal (boundary neighbours all informed)
The Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (NI) 2011 (WANE Act) requires the Council to protect, maintain, enhance and restore biodiversity and raise awareness of biodiversity. The Council recently engaged with the Lisburn Youth Council and on 16 Aug it undertook a tree planting exercise with the local youth programme. We will be undertaking further tree planting exercises in the Autumn / Winter with local community groups. It is also our intention to enhance part of the area with a wildflower meadow.
Disability Discrimination Act requires the council to ensure that its citizens have equal access to all facilities regardless of their mobility. Consequently it is our intention to install several DDA accessible paths through the triangular site with occasional benches and bins.
The works are necessary for a number of reasons:
The fence is rotten and had collapsed in places
The trees (including those suffering from Ash dieback) need attention
The gates are missing which means cars are driving in and onto the grassed area
The bins are small pole mounted versions in a poor state of repair
The lack of paths prohibits access by wheelchair users or those pushing prams
The smaller triangular site has no other useable feature
The following is a brief synopsis of planned works:
Tree maintenance works along Killeaton Park property boundaries (neighbours informed)
Replacement D-Rail fencing along road perimeters
Improved vehicle/pedestrian access: 3no vehicle gates, 3no pedestrian gates, 3no ground mounted bins, 1 at each access point.
Hedge planting along road perimeters with standard trees planted every 12 metres.
20 x standard trees planted (involved Lisburn Youth Council – Mon 16 Aug)
Wildflower meadow creation
Seating provision
Tree whip planting
Orbital gravel path installations to enable better DDA access
There is no requirement for any Council approval when it comes to such minor works especially when it comes to H&S and issues such as those listed above. These are run of the mill operational improvements to the estate. I did however email all local councillors explaining the need for the pending works on 5 Aug so that they were aware of the works should anyone raise a query with them. I am sure that far from having a negative impact, the works will have a positive impact and enhance their enjoyment of the area and their mental health and wellbeing.
If I can be of any further assistance then please do not hesitate in contacting me.
R J R Gillanders MBE Head of Parks & Amenities Tel: 02892 447 568
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Civic Headquarters, Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn BT27 4RL
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